Core Values
Wheelchair Rugby is a sport for tetraplegic athletes. It is proud of its values and strives always to remain true to them.
The core values of the game are:
Wheelchair Rugby people have a passionate enthusiasm for the Game. Wheelchair Rugby generates excitement, emotional attachment and a sense of belonging to the global Rugby family.
Wheelchair Rugby provides a unifying spirit founded on teamwork and support, and leads to great camaraderie, loyalty and lifelong friendships through sport.
Athlete Focus
The Wheelchair Rugby family recognizes and respects that the athletes, who created and developed the Game, are at the centre of the sport.
Respect for team mates, opponents, match officials and all those involved in the Game is paramount.

Integrity is central to the fabric of the Game and is generated through honesty and fair play.
All stakeholders in the Game – players, coaches, support personnel, administrators, spectators – recognise that they must support each other for the Game to continue to flourish and grow on a worldwide basis.