Technical and
In this section you will find important documents for referees and technical officials.

Wheelchair Rugby International Rules
The WWR International Rules can be found on the Wheelchair Rugby Rules Page
WWR Rule Change process
This WWR Rule Change process details the process for making changes to the International Rules for the Sport of Wheelchair Rugby.
Rule Change process
WWR Casebook
The WWR Casebook lists interpretations from the International Rules for the Sport of Wheelchair Rugby.
WWR Casebook
WWR Casebook and Amendments
WWR Casebook – Portuguese Version
Molten Wheelchair Rugby Balls
Molten is the official ball of WWR, and you can only purchase through us. For information or to place an order please download these files.
Molten Ball Order Form (pdf)
WWR Games Commissioner Manual
This manual will cover the identification, training and certification of individuals who will serve in the role of Game Commissioner for World Wheelchair Rugby (WWR).
GC Manual 2023
GC Manual 2023 Updates
Wheelchair Rugby Score and Penalty Sheets
This file contains the latest official WWR score and penalty sheets and instructions in PDF and Excel formats.
Wheelchair Rugby Table Officials Manual
This document explains the responsibilities of each table official that works the scorers table or penalty box during a wheelchair rugby game.
WWR Table Officials Manual
WWR Referee Candidate Policy
WWR Referee candidates must meet certain standards to be considered for international certification. This document explains those requirements and the application process.
WWR Referees Training Manual for Wheelchair Rugby
This manual is designed to help teach the mechanics and principles of officiating for the sport of wheelchair rugby. Having a clear and thorough understanding of the WWR International Rules of Wheelchair Rugby is a prerequisite to this manual.
WWR Evaluation Manual
The primary goal of this manual is to clearly outline the approved WWR process for evaluation and certification of officials
WWR Evaluation Manual
WWR Referees Chair Check Procedure
The WWR chair check procedure was originally put into effect in August 2011, and remains in effect today.
WWR Chair Check Procedure
WWR Referee Signals
Know your wheelchair rugby referee signals, complete with pictures and descriptions.
WWR Referee Signals
Communications Systems Regulation
The purpose of this regulation is to
clarify the conditions under which the use of tactical analysis and communication systems are allowed. It relates to remote communication with bench staff situated in the field of play and individuals (i.e. game analysts) who are situated outside of the field of play.
Communications Systems Regulation
WWR Technical Committee Rulings
From time to time the WWR Technical Committee makes rulings on equipment used during play before a full update of the International Rules can be made. Many of the ruling notices can be found at the link below.
WWR Technical Rulings
WWR Referee and Technical Officials Documents
Referee Checklist
Technical Officials Travel Protocol
WWR Referees Intermittent Recovery Yo-Yo Test
The Intermittent Recovery Yo-Yo Test is the means in which the WWR Technical Commission uses to assess a referee’s fitness.
WWR Referees Intermittent Recovery Yo-Yo Test
WWR Guidelines For Conducting The Intermittent Recovery Yo-Yo Test
Wheelchair Rugby 5’s
Wheelchair Rugby 5’s Eligibility
Wheelchair Rugby 5’s Rule Variations