Wednesday 7th December saw the second World Wheelchair Rugby (WWR) Sports Science and Sports Medicine Conference in partnership with the Peter Harrison Centre for Disability Sport. The sessions brought together practitioners, coaches, medical staff and students interested in sports science, medicine, physiotherapy, strength and conditioning and coaching. The sessions organised with The Peter Harrison Centre for Disability Sport who aim to improve knowledge about Paralympic sport and to promote the substantial health and quality of life benefits that can be gained through participation in disability sport and physical activity.

The Session was introduced by WWR President, Richard Allcroft who said “I was really pleased to see the second edition of the WWR Medical Symposium taking place and a huge thank you to Vicky Tolfrey and the Peter Harrison Centre for making this happen. There was a real focus on athlete welfare and performance, and I’d certainly encourage people to look back at sessions that are relevant to them”

The session also saw a presentation from WWR’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr Ken Lee who presented at the conference on Concussion Management in Wheelchair Athletes. Speaking about the event Ken Lee said “As the world recovers from the COVID pandemic, connecting and sharing of minds around the world with simple goal of improving welfare of our wheelchair rugby participants is a must.” And gave thanks to the organisers of the conference “Thank you Vicky Tolfrey and her group in making this a reality with the WWR Medical Symposium for the 2nd time. Your work and everyone participating in the symposium is key to healthy sport”
For those that attended the live sessions, certificates were made available to contribute to ongoing studies.
Look out for future events through the WWR social media channels.
The recordings are now available to watch here:
Recording 1: Session 1 Presentations-
Recording 2: Session 1 Q&A-
Recording 3: Session 2 part 1-
Recording 4: Session 2 Part 2-
Or visit the event page: