About WWR
World Wheelchair Rugby (WWR) is the governing body responsible for the sport of Wheelchair Rugby.

Our Vision
To be a world leader in Para sport.
Our Mission
Growing and supporting the Wheelchair Rugby family.
World Wheelchair Rugby is domiciled in Switzerland and regarded as an “Association” under Swiss law, with its address being:
World Wheelchair Rugby
c/o World Academy of Sport
Switzerland Sàrl,
Route Suisse 8A, 1163 Etoy
WWR operates an administration service which is based in the UK with its address and contact details being:
WWR Office:
World Wheelchair Rugby
Canon Medical Arena,
Worksop Road, Sheffield
S9 3TL
Tel: +44 (0) 114 257 3170
E-mail: office@worldwheelchair.rugby
Please contact WWR via email to arrange for the best contact person, should it be required.
Organization Chart:
The WWR is governed by a Board of Directors and is supported by its CEO and various departments. This chart illustrates the work flow.
View organization chart
WWR Strategic Plan:
The WWR Strategic Plan outlines the vision and mission of the WWR, the values that are the foundation of our federation, and the goals and strategies that will help us achieve being a world leader in Para sport.
Strategic Plan 2019 – 2024 “mid-term review”
The strategic plan was reviewed in October 2022 and the following documents provide a summary of the review. Also included are documents relating to performance against the KPI’s for 2019 – 2022 and newly developed KPI’s for 2023 and 2024.
Governance – Structure
General Assembly
WWR holds its General Assembly (GA) every two-years. The purpose of this important meeting is to bring the membership together to discuss the state of the federation, and to vote on proposals and elections for any open WWR board positions. Minutes from past General Assembly meetings can be found here:
2024 WWR GA Minutes
2022 WWR GA Minutes
2021 WWR GA Minutes
2018 WWR GA Minutes
2016 WWR GA Minutes
2014 WWR GA Minutes
2012 WWR GA Minutes
2010 WWR GA Minutes
Board of Directors
The property and business of WWR is managed by the Board of Directors. They are responsible for the financial status and wider governance of the organisation. The board as a whole works in line with its strategic plan and follows governance procedures as laid out in the statutes and bylaws.
The Board is responsible for the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer. The CEO reports to the board, and in general is responsible for the day-to-day operations.
Athletes Council
To ensure athlete representation at all levels of the sport, WWR established its Athletes Council in 2014. The purpose of the Athletes Council is to act as the collective voice for all wheelchair rugby athletes within WWR.
The WWR Athletes Council Terms of Reference can be found in Bylaw 7 at the following link – Bylaw 7 – Councils
Working Groups
WWR has four main working groups with their terms of reference included in Bylaw 5. Each group is chaired by an individual who was appointed by the Board of Directors. Each committee is comprised of individuals who have expressed an interest in being involved. The groups act as organisational departments and the chairs act as Head of Departments.
Standing committees such as Anti-Doping and Therapeutic Use Exemption can be found in Bylaw 6.
Classification Working Group
The Classification Working Group is responsible to advise the Board and WWR corporately on classification issues; to develop and maintain plans, policies and procedures related to classification including the classification system and classifier training and certification; to assist in ensuring WWR remains compliant with the IPC Classification Code; and to select classifiers to participate in WWR authorised events.
Competitions Working Group
The Competitions Working Group is responsible to advise the Board and WWR corporately on competition-related matters for the sport of Wheelchair Rugby and its disciplines; to develop and maintain plans, policies and procedures related to competitions, event authorisation, ranking, and qualification; to evaluate event bids, and make recommendations for event authorisation; to implement the qualification system for events; and to maintain the world-ranking list and competition calendar.
Development Working Group
The Development Working Group is responsible to advise the Board and WWR corporately on development issues for the sport of Wheelchair Rugby and its disciplines; to develop and maintain plans, policies and procedures related to development; and to prepare and implement sport and discipline development programs.
Technical Working Group
The Technical Working Group is responsible to advise the Board and WWR corporately on technical issues relating to the sport of Wheelchair Rugby and its disciplines; to develop and maintain plans, policies and procedures for rules, equipment, officials’ training, and officials’ selection; to maintain and update the International Rules for the sport and disciplines of Wheelchair Rugby and related materials; and to select officials to participate in WWR authorised events.
Medical Department
Chief Medical Officer – Position Vacant
Governance – Policies
WWR Statutes and Bylaws:
The purpose of the WWR Statutes and Bylaws is to detail the conduct of the affairs of the International Wheelchair Rugby Federation.
View Statutes
Bylaw 1 – WWR Board of Directors
Bylaw 2 – Membership
Bylaw 3 – Members Meetings
Bylaw 4 – Elections Procedures
Bylaw 5 – Working Groups
Bylaw 6 – Standing Committees
Bylaw 7 – Councils
A copy of the WWR Statutes are available in French. Where there is any conflict, the English version takes precedence – View Statutes
WWR Regulations:
The WWR Regulations cover a variety of areas of governance. Including, code of conduct, nationality eligibility, judicial matters and appeals (including classification).
Also included below are separate downloadable forms that are included in the Regulations. These are provided for ease of filling in where required.
WWR Regulations
WWR Regulation 3 APPENDIX 1 Classification Appeal Form
WWR Regulation 7 APPENDIX B Notice of Appeal Form
WWR Regulation 7 APPENDIX C Written Response
Annual Reports
Prior to 2020, the formal report structure was provided at the General Assembly every two years. In line with its governance reforms, an annual report was felt to be more appropriate. This report provides a review of the year and is intended for the Member Nations and all stakeholders of WWR.
View 2020 Annual Report – “A year in review”
View 2021 Annual Report – “Here to Win”
View 2022 Annual Report – “A year recovering from a pandemic”
View 2023 Annual Report – “Building Partnerships”
As the organisation works through its governance review, it will update policies. Where appropriate these may be incorporated into event-related regulations and/or rules.
Financial Management Policy
Contractual Authority Limits Policy Mar. 21
WWR Expense Policy Feb. 19
Policy on Eligible Impairment Types Jan. 18